What is wrong with me? I can study until my mind collapses from fatigue, yet I still have trouble with retention. I have been exposed to, and use, all of the memory techniques available. I do find some benefit with associational memory, but soon after I not only forgot that which I intended to remember, but also that which I associated it with.
So, I have to figure out what the problem is. Maybe I just lack mental discipline. Although it would be painful to admit, it is a possibility. I do have a lazy nature (most of us do) but as far as my studies are concerned, it is extremely rare for me to be preparing at the last minute. I am usually prepared well in advance. But I will confess that my mind is as factually sharp as a butter knife. Some people can retain dates, and names and facts with relative ease, I do well to remember my name. But I do not have any trouble with analytical thinking. My mind is sharp in analysis and quick thinking. So if you ever need an explanation for something, just ask, I can usually figure it out...just remember though, that five minutes later I may forget that we ever had a conversation.
Maybe it is not a lack of discipline, maybe I just don't have it. Some people (Bro. Michael Reese) for example can remember everything. If you ever want to know who preached in chapel on a particular Wed. in 1986, call him, he'll remember. I can barely remember 1986. Some people have it...others don't. Maybe I'm just a little dunce-like in this area.
But there exist one last possibility I would rather not mention, but for honesty's sake feel compelled to do so. Maybe I'm dingy. Dingy is defined as a slang word meaning crazy or insane. But it is usually used in describing a person who misses some of the simpler things. Remembering a few facts for a test seems simple enough, but boy do I have trouble with that.
Quite embarrassed is how this syndrome leaves me feeling. Taking a simple test of straightforward facts and bombing even though I prepared...embarrassing. Forgetting people's names...embarrassing. Kissing the wrong woman on the cheek and telling her you love her (thinking it is your wife)...embarrassing. (Don't call the professionals, I'm just kidding about the last one).
12 Days (Day 12)
9 years ago
Nice to hear that others have memory problems, too. My issues are more like putting the cereal in the refrigerator and the milk in the cabinet and walking off...
That last part about kissing someone else surely was a Freudian slip...
Well, I can generally remember facts for a test overnight, and forget them a day later. I have more problem with never knowing where my keys, wallet or cellphone is. Over Christmas break, I had to purchase 2 cell phones due to loss. I still don't know where my truck and house keys are (since December). I don't think I've ever used a pen or pencil fully, because I've always lost them before they ran out. I'm also sure there is a pile of probably 50 or more guitar picks somewhere. This is why I have over 10 Bibles, so I will always be able to find one. Two in the truck, two in the car, two at church, two in the house, one in the backpack and one at the seminary apartments. I need to do this b/c taking the Bibles places, I set them down when not using them and walk away leaving them. Pretty bad huh?
Oh yeah, one more comment. It's possible you were lazy or dingy at a younger age (this causing your forgetfulness then) and now you are just getting old.
Hey man, I don't even remember what our discussion or disagreement was about. I think it had something to do with sending money to support something I disagree with, and the law of the land. You mentioned income taxes and that there is no U.S. law stating we must pay it. I was watching a movie which reminded me of this discussion, and looked it up.
U.S. code Title 26, sections 1, 61, 63, 6012(A), 6072 and 6151
Sections 1, 61, and 63 impose the tax,
Section 6012 requires you to file a tax return if you have income of more than the exemption amount, and
Section 6151 and 6072 requires you to pay the tax at the time and place fixed for the filing of your return, April 15th.
It's no laughing matter if you have relatives who have Alzheimers (but I can't remember what their names are -ha ha) Don't worry until you have to ask your way home.
I'd go with "all of the above" if I were you.
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