What do we do? I am not a “conspiracy theorist” but I do consider myself a “realist”. Often people would rather stick their heads into the sands of ignorance rather than face unpleasant realities. This is certainly not the course of action which will yield positive results. Even though our country likes to carry the “God Fearing Nation” banner and wave it when convenient, we are no where near truly being a nation that fears God.
We are killing unborn babies by the thousands. We not only condone homosexuality, but it is promoted as an “alternate lifestyle”. The Bible is being reviled and removed at every opportunity while the Koran is touted as a good book. People in power, including our President, have equalized Christians and Muslims. Allah has been unveiled, in claim, to be the same God as the God of Abraham. Do these things sound like the traits of a Bible believing, God fearing nation? Absolutely not! This is where the concern begins.
If we are not a people who look to God and His Word for guidance and answers, then to whom are we looking and from where are we getting our answers? It is my fear that we are no longer being led by God, but deceived by the devil. Intellectual giants now carry more moral authority than does the Bible. It is no longer what is best for the people, it is what is best for me. We have become individuals, not indivisible. We are looking out for number one, while all other numbers are being flushed down the social sewer of immorality and ungodliness.
The issues mentioned in this writing are not the only items of concern. These issues are also not an improbable collection of doomsdayism, but realistic ideas that some in power think would better our society. Are we to sit back and let our country sink to points unimaginable or stand up as representatives of God and do all we can to revert our course? Too often God’s people are content to sail on the “meek” ship, and end up at whatever port of ungodliness the ship determines to be the best. Those that steer our country have been put at the helm by you and I. We did it. We put them in power and now we must make certain that the ship is on the course that will honor and glorify our God. I am not yet declaring “mutiny”, but I do wander how long.
What can I do? We as God’s people are gentle-spirited and do not have the desire to cause waves in the ocean of life. We desire to live peaceably with all men. Often our soft voices do not carry the same amount of influence as those who scream and cry at the top of their lungs. These are the same ones who, when they are not satisfied, make it known by rioting and terrifying the innocent. Is this what we need to do? No, but our tongues are bloodied from having been bitten for too long. Meekness is not weakness. What is it going to take for God’s people to stand up and declare “No More!”
The ultimate concern that I have is for the future of the cause of Christ. It is very predictable if our nation continues down its current path of degradation, eventually tolerance for the truth will wear thin. Will there ever come a day in which God’s people will be forbidden to serve the Lord in our Country? The answer is very predictable…..Absolutely! If our Lord has not yet come back and our path is not deterred this unpleasant prediction will become a reality. How can it not? Is there any course than sin can take which does not eventually lead to an abandoning of all things Godly? We are definitely on a sin led course right now. How far it will go and how long it will last is up to us. Some will say “it has gone too far, and there is nothing we can do”. To these I say,” get ready to reap what you have sown”. With man it may be impossible…but not with God.
What if, the government of our country starts using tax dollars for the promotion of activities which God has condemned? How do you feel about helping to pay for activities that God has declared sinful? Out of one pocket you put money in the offering plate to help promote the cause of Christ. Out of the other pocket you are paying taxes which help to promote ungodliness. It is already happening. Federal tax money is already being used to help pay for abortions, promote the teaching of homosexuality as normal, and encouraging the unbiblical lifestyle of people being supported without having to work. Do we as God’s people need to quit paying our taxes? Well, that too is illegal and there are many positive dividends from the proper use of our tax dollars. But how much more can we take? How far does it go before God’s people declare it is no longer acceptable to break God’s laws with our money? I don’t know, but let us as God’s people pray that He will intervene before we have to.
What if, our government decides you no longer have the right to adequately equip yourself to protect your family from those who might do them harm? Whether or not one thinks this particular subject is appropriate in this arena is up to each, but I feel that it is. Some have said this is a mere political battle, and this type of law will never come to fruition in America. How wrong they were. In the aftermath of the hurricane in New Orleans, the Chief of Police not only declared that every private citizen in the city would have to turn in their guns, but the police force and national guard forcibly entered homes and by force took firearms from those desiring to protect their families and property. Let it be understood, I am a peaceful man, and in no way am I condoning unnecessary violence but, I am the man of my house and as a husband and father I have certain God ordained responsibilities. Not the least of which is to protect my family. God has never blessed cowardice. (Numbers 13:33, Judges 7:3, 1 Samuel 17:24, 2 Samuel 15:14, Psalm 78:9, Matthew 26:56) The Bible teaches us that if the Goodman of the house had been home, his house would not have been broken through. (Matthew 24:43, Luke 12:39) What exactly was the Goodman (head of the house) going to do? Whatever was necessary to protect that which had been given to him. The Bible says “And this know…”, there is no doubt that the Goodman would have protected his own. What will we, as God’s people, do if the day comes that our government tells us we no longer have the right to reasonably arm ourselves to protect our families? I don’t know, but let us pray that God intervenes, and that day never comes.
What if, our government mandates you must send your child to a public school, and this school is teaching doctrines in direct contrast to God’s Word? One might say “This is already being done”. The difference is this, right now you do not have to send your children to the schools operated by the government. You have the freedom to evaluate the situation and make whatever decision you feel is in your children’s best interest. You are the parents, and the responsibility to raise your children is yours. Most schools today do not rely on God’s Word as the final authority, but have turned to man’s knowledge for their perspective of what is true. This is sad, but at least we have options. What happens when we don’t? If they threaten penalties or imprisonment for parents who choose to keep their children from government education, what do we do? I don’t know, but let us pray that God intervenes and that day never comes.
What if, our government declares it to be against the law to physically discipline our children? Certainly it is no secret, that a large number of people now feel it is not in the best interest of children if they are whipped. Many have opted for alternate means of trying to curb the sin nature. Some feel that depriving a child of certain privileges is just as effective as spanking. Others feel they can reason with their children and help them to understand why their behavior is not acceptable. But what does the Bible teach us? Without a doubt, the Word of God is clear on this matter. Regardless of how one “feels” God has given us the best map to follow in modifying our children’s behavior. (Proverbs 10:13, Proverbs 13:24, Proverbs 22:15, Proverbs 23:13-14, Proverbs 29:15) What do we do, if one day disciplining our children in a Biblical fashion is declared illegal? What if the authorities have the power to take your children from you if you discipline according to the Word of God? I don’t know, but let us pray that God intervenes and that day never comes.
What if, our government demands that religious institutions can no longer be discriminatory in who is allowed to be a part of their membership? According to Noah Webster’s American Dictionary of The English Language 1828 the word discriminate means “to distinguish, to observe the difference between.” Is it wrong for a local New Testament church to have the freedom to determine who is, or is not, allowed to be a part of her membership? There are those who say it is. Some claim that it violates an individuals civil rights. Laws have already been passed that make it illegal for a business owner to refuse someone service because they are a homosexual. There have already been lawsuits against Baptist churches for refusing membership privileges to those who did not meet God’s standards. True churches answer to no one except Jesus Himself. He is the head of the church and His position outranks any government or civil authority. But if the day comes that the government dictates what we must do as the Lord’s churches, what are we going to do? I don’t know, but let us pray that God intervenes and that day never comes.
Without a doubt, there will be some who read an article such as this and consider the author to be nothing more than an anti-government fanatic who is advocating rebellion against the laws of the land. Nothing could be farther from the truth. The Bible is very clear in it’s directives that we as God’s people should subject ourselves to and pray for, those who have the rule over us. In should also be noticed that not one answer was giving to any of the questions which have been posed. The reality is this…I don’t have the answers. I don’t know what we should do, or when we should do it. I am not advocating the breaking of laws or the uprising against our government, but something has to be done. I do know this…there is absolutely no excuse for us as God’s ambassadors to be sitting idly by with our mouths shut. We have the instruction in God’s Word to try to live peaceably with all men, but we also have the responsibility to represent God and live according to His statutes. But what happens when the laws that we subject ourselves to, run contrary to the laws of God? I don’t know.
What then can we do? How can we, who are so small in number turn such a mighty vessel that has veered off its course? We can’t. But God can. Let God’s voice be heard through you. You are not the small, little, insignificant country churches…You are the representatives of the living God, and He has some things that need to be said. He needs people to boldly stand up and say, ”No More!” Will this cause all of our problems to disappear and allow us to live in a world of peace and harmony? No, but “the fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much”. Let’s see what God can do with what is left of this country. Let’s put it in his hands.
12 Days (Day 12)
9 years ago
I just finished reading your second post. I needed to take a few bathroom breaks but it was a good read. I recommend it to everyone. I totally agree that America needs to wake and realize what path we are headed down as a nation. Can't wait for your next post.
Here, here!!!
As far as the Second Amendment and the right to own guns, etc. goes, think about it this way.
We are commanded to be law-abiding citizens, correct? Yes. and if the laws of our land say that we must give up our guns then we must in order to be Biblically obedienct. However, if the laws of the land say that we can keep our gunds, then keep them! So, here is how this political issue boils down. NO law, and I mean NOOOOOOOOO law can be passed banning my ownership of guns for I am guaranteed that right by the Second Amendment. And yes, the Constitution is THE law of the land. There is no higher system of laws. Everything is judged according to its basis of constitutionality/unconstitutionality. So, even if Congress and the President put into effect a "law" that says we must turn in our guns, or even if they try to enter our house and take our guns, such laws and actions are ILLEGAL for they violate the Second Amendment. Such laws are unconstitutional and we are not required to follow them. Yes, that is correct. Even if Congress passes a law to ban gun ownership, you do not have to turn in your guns UNLESS there is an amendment passed changing our Constitution. THEN and ONLY THEN would it be legal to ban guns. However, politicians and other self-serving groups no most people do not understand our political system, so they will thrive off the ignorance of the masses in this arena. So, in essence, until there is an amendment changing the Second Amendment, all these gun laws they are passing are null and void. End of story.
Hmmm...seems like I can't type today either!!!
Loved this post. As you know, I recently wrote my own opinion piece about taking a stand. Don't shop on Sundays!! Don't go out to eat on Sundays! Don't buy anything on Sundays! Let the Lord have His day back. We sit back and do nothing because we think we won't make a difference. Well, you know what? It makes a difference to God! It doesn't matter if we can change anything or not, we can still make a stand! We as Christians should do everything we can to show the world we are different. We are a "peculiar people".
just wanted 2 share something i wrote a long time ago with this subject in mind. this was written with my thoughts on how the nation has become.
how can we find the time 2 right the wrongs we've made?
wars on every hand, animosity all over the land,
was it worth the price we paid?
anger overcomes us, it's easy 2 c,
our human nature takes over,
the nature of a human is 2 b free,
even if we have 2 sacrifice another.
children r being taught that life is a "choice", so they choose 4 others,
disrespecting life, as it means nothing 2 them, killing their own fathers and mothers.
"in God we trust" was our motto, but trust hasn't been,
we removed it from our hearts long ago, that was our sin.
dollar bills possess us more than the love we were given,
a greater price we'll pay, by choosing the life we r living.
the time is near, the time we fear, the end of days on earth
God is judging, God is crying, looking down on us seeing ourselves as having no worth.
Two sets of thoughts. #1 - you "wander" too long should be wonder. You did the same thing on the title of one of your more recent blogs. Did you mean wander or wonder? #2 - I thought you might like to hear a quote I recently came across, though I don't know who it came from. "In a democracy, the people will get the government they deserve and deserve the government they get."
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