My Bro-in-law (Hebert not Reese) has been aggravating me about my lackadaisical attitude toward blogging. I am assuming that my loyal followers have met and appointed him as their spokesman. My most sincere apologies to the thousands of readers of this blog. I did not have a full grasp of the responsibility I was assuming when I started this thing. I thought it would be an outlet for the occasional gripe or an avenue I might take to publicly display my view from a newly-discovered soapbox. I had no idea that the blog-patrol was on duty and that I had violated one of their tenets. But as it has been said, ignorance is no excuse. So I humbly accept whatever penalties are deemed worthy of the crime. I do plead for leniency.
But, since I do have a responsibility to the masses who hang on my every word, I press forward with a renewed fervor. In this renewed spirit I have formed 5 personal goals to better myself as a professional blogger. The rules will hereafter be known as "Mike's Undeniable Declarations" or "MUD". These rules do have sequential significance in that the first is the most precious to my heart.
If I should ever falter to fulfill any of the following "Mike's Undeniable Declarations"... may MUD be cast in my face...may I eat MUD...may the clarity of my blogging waters forever look like MUD.
Mike's Undeniable Declarations...
1. Every Blog post must meet the standards set forth in the blogging manual "Blogging according to Uncle Cooney"
2. Every Blog must be worthy of reaching the intellectual plateau on which Uncle Michael resides.
3. Every Blog must be worthy of the Snide's opposition.
4. Every Blog must cause Lucious Louie to get out his pig poker.
5. Every Blog must have at least one grammatical bungle which is notorious enough to force a seminary English teacher to reconsider granting 1st year credit to a moron.
12 Days (Day 12)
9 years ago
I applaude you for your dedication and the I pray that you understand the seriousness of this vow you take before all bloggers. I am, however, offended by the term BigUn! Thanks!
I too am one of the millions of the "mikesblog" fans. I always await in earnest trepidation every word which drips forth from your amassed wisdom.
From the Promise Land...
Since I have been called out publicly I must reply publicly! I am so proud of the renewed zeal that you are so openly championing to be the best blogger of the best. You do have a loyal readership and even one of my East Texas Brethren from Center, Bro. Marlin, is looking forward to more of Mike! He mentioned since you got the smoker's circle so riled up he was looking forward to how you would stir the internet circle. Looking forward to more "MUD" Peace...Cooney Out!
In accordance with rule #3, if I agree... or just don't oppose a blog you post, does that mean you have to take it off? If that is the case, does that mean I can't post at all on those I agree with. Finally, if this is true... does this mean every blog I don't post on, you will assume I don't oppose and thus remove?
3 questions...3 answers written as eloquently as the questions.
1. I have a dog.
2. The sky is blue.
3. Chicken bark little lamp fun me now.
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