Friday, March 13, 2009

Snyder Made Me Do It

At the behest of Bro. James, I ask this question...Does Jesus tarry His coming?


BroT said...

Is it not the Father's position to send the Son. To ask does Jesus tarry His coming inferrs that the Father has sent yet Jesus is reluctant to go.

Adrian Neal said...

Mstthew 24:36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

I have always been skeptical of the idea that Jesus was/is clueless as to when the Father would send Him back. The above verse is used to justify that idea.

Granted, while Jesus was on earth it is said that he "increased in wisdom and stature..." (Luke 2:52).
But I have always had difficulty believing that only 1/3 of the Godhead knows when Jesus is coming back. Is God all-knowing or not?

JamesCharles said...

Mark 13:32 But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.

He definitely didn't know while he was on earth. But that carries on forever is ridiculous, simply b/c after it happens, many will know. If they can know this in the future, Jesus could have known the day and hour any time in the future after he phrased this statement (ascending, for example).
