Sunday, February 22, 2009


I keep hearing terms like "Safe" or "Under the blood" when referencing young children. Would anyone like to elaborate, so that a simpleton might better understand?


Julie Halliday said...

I'd like some input on a subject on my blog from you men of God. Hop on over and view it after you give your comments on here. Help a sister out!

Arch Bishop said...

SAFE - children under the age of accountability are not held by God to be responsible for their sinful condition. Ps 51, David said, "In sin did my mother conceive me." Every baby is born with a sin nature. David's baby that died did not live to the age of accountability, but David knew he could go where the baby is after his life was over. In other words, the baby (all under the age of accountability or not hyaving normal intelligence so also not accountable) are SAFE - their future is assured in Heaven. Those who are saved have come under the blood of Jesus by being born again and their place in Heaven is secure.

JamesCharles said...

I am very tired. I can't remember all the scripture which brought me to this conclusion right now.

Jesus died, taking all sins upon Him at the cross. He forgave all sins. Only one sin could not be forgiven - blaspheming (going/speaking/acting out against the Holy Spirit.). The Spirit testified not of Himself but of Christ. All this said, all sins are forgiven save one, rejecting Christ. One is condemned not b/c he has sinned (that's why He's separated, not condemned), but one is damned if he has chosen not to believe (John 3:16-18).

So I suppose I don't know what those terms mean, but to say that children or adults who've not reached an age to where they have the mental capacity to accept or reject Christ (no choice = no rejection) are not condemned, because they have not chosen to not believe.

Maybe I can type this during the daytime and make it make more sense.

RevReese said...

Does this mean there are TWO ways to get to Heaven?
1. Accept Jesus Christ as your Savior.
2. Die before you reach the age of accountability.
3. Be mentally handicaped in such a way that you never reach the age of accountability.
Number 2 and 3 kind of go together.

JamesCharles said...

"Does this mean there are TWO ways to get to Heaven?"

I think there are two ways.
1. Live perfectly.

2. Don't reject the Christ now known as Jesus.

The young children or certain without the capability to understand (and think things through) have not rejected Jesus, b/c they did not have the opportunity to reject. One who is old enough has rejected the Savior must accept Him to be saved. He can reject by not seeking out the Lord of the universe, He can reject by a person who says "Will you let me share something about God with you" or he can reject at the point of actually hearing.

RevReese said...

Now there are three ways to get to Heaven!

Two groups go around Jesus to get to Heaven.

Group number one--live perfectly because you don't need a Savior.

Group two--die before you get old enought to understand or be born mentally insufficient. You don't need a Savior either.

Group three--don't reject Jesus and accept him as Savior--John 14:6

Are there any other ways into Heaven that we might have missed?

JamesCharles said...
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JamesCharles said...

yea, sure is another group.

Group #1 - Jesus fits into this category.

Group #2 - Those who are safe.

Group #3 - The saved (I fall into this category.

Group #4 - Be born into, or marry into the Wilkes family. That's at least three of our bloggers on this site.

RevReese said...

Group 1--Yes Jesus did live a perfect life, did He do so in order to get to Heaven? LOL

Group 2--Do the safe need a Savior? If they do, how and when is the blood applied to them?

Group 3--Yes, you and I are both included in this group.

Group 4--Being born or being married into the Wilkes family doesn't get you into Heaven, but it is a guarantee to have a fun and interesting family gathering!

Big J said...

amen bro ther in law...the wilkes family is awesome!

I will put an end to this debate...Christ died for all...nuff said.

Only one way to Heaven...Christ died for all...for those of us who have accepted His atonement on the cross or our sin, for those who are not able to accept/reject the witness of the Holy Spirit ie...babies (in utero or birthed), or those born with a mental handicapped such as retardation that makes them incapable of understanding actions, did I just type birthed?

Also I think a distinction needs to be made about all people with dibilitating illnesses. If you were born that way...or it happened during developmental stages of life then Christ died for all.


Just because we see an elderly person or an older person with a dibilitating illness doesn't mean that they are going to Heaven automatically. For example the dibilitating illness could have happened after they had rejected the Lord...which begs the question, "How many opportunities does the Lord gauranty anyone to be saved?

The bottom line on all of this, force fields aside bro. snider, is that Christ DIED for ALL!

JamesCharles said...

I think Brothers Mike, Jason, Michael and I all agree Jesus' blood covered all sins for all time. I think we all also agree if you haven't rejected Christ (thus supposing you'd be of an age or mindset to be capable of making that decisions), you haven't committed the unforgivable sin of blaspheming the Holy Spirit (or acting against his conviction via the word to be saved).

That being said... Brother Michael, can Savannah and I attend one of these infamous family meetings one day?

RevReese said...

Only if you bring food!

StockwellMBC said...

Bro. James you do not have go to the family meetings. Just hang around them for awhile at the National Meetings. You will laugh so hard tears will come to your eyes. Did I mention embarrassed because people are constantly looking in your direction.

Big J said...

only when Mike breaks that clean for this potty mouthed preacher's blog?
