Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Just Wandering

Is it appropriate for preachers, Men of God, to be running around in shorts?


RevReese said...

Depends on the weather!

Julie Halliday said...

You knew I'd have to comment on this one! First of all, most of the preachers that I know shouldn't put anyone through that kind of punishment. Secondly, if a preacher wants the respect that he should want, then no. Now I'm not saying that if he were at the beach he should be dressed from head to toe, but if he was wearing a pair of speedos I'd definitely lose respect for him. If he is running around town where everyone knows he is a preacher, then he should look and act like one. He has to remember he is a leader not only in church services but everywhere. Just my opinion.

Big J said...

I think to put an absolute no is bordering on legalism. The way people dress today versus 20, 30 50years ago has changed. Fashion has changed and some shorts are very fashionable...another point too make is where do you draw the line...Should a preacher not wear t-shirts in public? What about a baseball cap versus a fidora (fancy word for dress hat)? I think depending on the circumstances shorts are ok? Sandals are ok...aren't they?

Julie Halliday said...

You're right, fashion has changed, and it's gotten to the point that men don't dress like men anymore. They dress like boys. The way a man dresses says a lot about his character and his man-hood. My father would never wear shorts out in public and he's not a preacher. As a woman, I don't go running around town in my shorts and tank top, but I wear them around the house. Like I said, it depends on how you want to be perceived. I'm not saying it's "wrong", I'm just saying that I would personally have more respect for the preacher if he dressed like a man should, not a boy. Again, that's just my opinion.

Big J said...

ok Sis Julie from Farmerville...by the way I was once a Spearsville resident (actually Laran resident) for 1 1/2 years and I know what you mean. I loved my time there but God had other plans. I hope you know that I meant no disrespect. I was actually not addressing your comment I was just talking to my bro in law's question. This is a discussion blog and I was just stating my pov. I would like to clarify something I stated earlier.

I am blessed with two preacher bro in laws with totally different views here. One, I don't think I have ever seen in shorts (except swimming at Church camp). The other feels like me that there are certain times and occassions when shorts are ok. Both are well respected in their Churches and communities.

I think that this is a cultural issue. In some areas this issue is a serious no no and I understand that. In others it really isn't a big deal. A preacher is sometimes percieved as stuffy or uptight if he wears the proverbial, slacks, shirt, tie and sports coat to visit or just to be seen in the community. This, in some areas, would be a detriment to his ministry.

However, in other areas to be seen as more laid back and down to earth is the best way to reach the masses. I personally feel that being percieved as approachable is a giant step towards building a relationship with someone and having a relationship with someone is vital to winning trust and eventually a soul.

In many areas the look of a pastor (ie suit and tie) is not effective anymore. There came a time when robes had to be replaced with pants or whatever came next. This was the point I wanted to clarify. I don't think that there will ever be a day when shorts are acceptable for preaching in or visiting in but like some preachers having gone to khakis and a pullover has done more good than harm.

I don't think that all men that wear shorts dress like boys. Maybe we can influence boys to dress like men when the situation warrants it.

Mike Wilkes said...

If only we could convince doctors, lawyers, judges, senators, representatives, bankers,executives and all other highly respective office holders of this. These men also need to learn that they could better serve the masses if they were in jogging pants rather than a suit. As a matter of fact, if our congressman would start wearing shorts to work they could probably solve our nation's financial crisis. (The sweet savor of sarcasm has filled my nostrils)

Julie Halliday said...

Big J, I know you didn't mean any disrespect. We all have our views on these subjects. There are several members from Spearsville at my church. I don't know which town has more hicks in it (no disrespect). I do want to clarify that I am not from Farmerville, I only attend church and work there and hopefully God will move me and my family back to my hometown or nearby where I can attend church at Whispering Pines, so keep that in your prayers. It's a lot easier serving the Lord when you're happy with where you're at.
But who said it was going to be easy, right?
You do make a good point about being more approachable if you aren't perceived as being a "stuffy old preacher", however, if your personality shows that you are a very likeable person then you would reach others whether you're in a suit or not. Also, I didn't mean that preachers should dress in a suit and tie everywhere they go, I was just saying that I personally, would respect a man who dresses nice in public more than a man who doesn't.

JamesCharles said...


Brother Wilkes... I suppose your comment on this blog was in response to Brother Jason's comment. Just to clarify, he stated,

"A preacher is sometimes percieved as stuffy or uptight if he wears the proverbial, slacks, shirt, tie and sports coat to visit or just to be seen in the community."

Your response included sarcasm of convincing "doctors, lawyers, judges, senators, representatives, bankers,executives and all other highly respective office holders... that they could better serve the masses if they were in jogging pants rather than a suit."

Are you suggesting these men don't wear shorts or jogging pants when they are "seen in the community" as Brother Jason stated concerning preachers?

JamesCharles said...

You're post had more impact than you thought. Last night, after commenting, and after going to sleep, I dreamed you showed up to LBYF wearing shorts and a fishing oxford shirt. Savannah pointed it out, so I was going to go rag on you about your hypocrisy between the blog and your actions. Too bad it was just a dream.

Mike Wilkes said...

Bro. James,
As the astute will notice, I have offered no opinion on this subject. My initial post was simply a question and my follow up comment was a mere sarcasm-laced poke at Cooney. I normally do not respond to comments, but last night my ISP called and asked me if I would please answer your questions. It seems as though the volume of emails coming in joined with the hits to my blog site have been so numerous, that it almost shut the internet down. Curious minds want to know. So here we go...

1. In relation to whether or not doctors, lawyers, judges, senators, representatives, bankers,executives and all other highly respective office holders should be running around town in shorts and jogging suits I say "Not when they are on official business relative to their profession".

Hey preacher, what time do you clock out?

2. Concerning your dream, please choose A or B for the sake of my readers' clarity...

Savannah's pointing this out was part of the dream, or

While you were asleep, and while your mind went on a field trip, your wife (who has the power to access your thought process and is watching your dream) who was laying next to you in bed, said "James, Bro. Mike is wearing shorts and a fishing oxford."

By the way, what is a fishing "oxford"?

JamesCharles said...

A "fishing oxford" is the term used by Savannah (the one in my dream) to describe a button down collared shirt which contains fish, rods and hooks in its printed design. PS:

Stating sarcasm implies an understood position.

I suppose I "clock out" when I'm not dealing with people, praying or studying. I am clocked out pretty much any time that I consider family or personal time. This can include personal spiritual time.

I am "on call", however, and can "clock in" at just about any time.

Mike Wilkes said...

Your doing well, young Jedi. But let me help you hone. The use of sarcasm in no way implicates the user, but the user does assume a certain amount of understanding by the recipient, for without comprehension sarcasm has no effect. So no opinion of the user might a reader deduct simply by the presence of sarcasm.

JamesCharles said...

Just thinking... I don't recall very many preachers "running around" at all, shorts or not. Walking quickly... maybe, but not running.
