Friday, December 5, 2008

Who Knew?

I started blogging at the behest of my junior brother-in-law. I jumped in with both feet and invested many valuable brain cells in an attempt to educated the throngs from the storehouse of knowledge resting atop my neck. My postings have been in-depth considerations of a myriad of subjects worthy of my effort and time. So I pondered and typed. I deliberated and typed. I waged on through my oft debilitating handicap with which I am cursed (a wondering mind). So I posted and waited. And waited. And then, someone would not only read my blog, but they would display great courage and respond. But for the most part, one maybe two responses per post. What a failure I have been.

I had no idea that a one sentence question would be the key to unlock the keyboards of my readers. I have grabbed the brass ring Cooney set before me. I have rekindled the fires of Camp's smoker's pit. I did it Cooney. I did it!!!

1 comment:

Julie Halliday said...

That's because you've got a woman on here! You know there is going to be some debating when we come on the scene! At least you know now you don't have to waste so much time typing. LOL
