Man, am I a goof. As a preface, let me say...I am sorry. I had no idea that the posting of the lyrics to "Simple Man" by Charlie Daniels would offend anyone.
As to whether or not this has tarnished the shine of my character's be the judge (if you consider yourself worthy). But anyone who knows me, knows how I live. What you see in my public life is exactly what you will find behind the doors of my private life. Perfect....No! Forgiven....Yes! Striving for the mastery....Always!
But I must at this point try to stomp out the proliferation of ignorance. So here is a little more information about the man, the song and the "word".
Charlie Daniels was raised in a christian home. He turned his back on his upbringing. He turned to the world and wrote songs centered on drugs and alcohol. But today's Charlie Daniels is a different man. Read this quote from him...
"I make no secret about my Christian faith. On stage I do a hymn and I tell the people that Jesus is my Savior and Lord. Many people misunderstand the Gospel message. They think that you have to be "good enough." People need to understand that they can never be "good enough." There was only one Person in the whole world who was -- Jesus Christ.
I try to get across the message: "You're a sinner, and I am too. When we accept the Savior who puts our sin under His blood, the sin is gone." It's as if that sin never existed. That's something that is hard to understand, but that's what the Bible teaches. You've got to accept it and believe that it's true, that it's the Word of God. The Bible is not just pretty words that someone sat down and wrote one day. The Bible is God-inspired. It is real."
Now, whether or not you want to be a fan is up to you. I never said that I was or wasn't. I simply posted the lyrics to one of his songs. I thought about this song at a moment when I was becoming increasing frustrated with the direction of our country. Are the lyrics "a little rough around the edges"? Absolutely! Do the lyrics cry out for a need of true justice...Absolutely! Was my posting these lyrics an attempt to proclaim a spiritual message...No! By the way, neither was my posting about a dog smelling like fritos, but it caused no uproar.
The word. Considering the context, the word "hell" in the song can have no reference to the place of eternal torment. How can a person be madder than "hell"? Have you ever been happier than "heaven"? According to Webster's 1828 the word "hell" also means "The place at a running play to which are carried those who are caught" or "A place into which a tailor throws his shreds". The online etymology dictionary also records that the word "hell" is used as "figuratively for "any bad experience" since at least 1374. As an expression of disgust, etc., first recorded 1678."
Do I use the word as a slang. No! I do not like how crude it sounds. Is it a sin? I'll let someone more qualified than I make that determination.
In closing, I titled this post "what was I thinking". Here's why. Instead of that old filthy country music station, I decided the other day to tune in to a "christian" station. While listening, an ad came on encouraging everyone to attend a "Rock and Roll Worship Leader Camp". As I ponder my choice to tune in..."What Was I Thinking".
12 Days (Day 12)
9 years ago
poop (n.2)
"excrement," 1744, a children's euphemism, probably of imitative origin; cf. the same word in the sense "to break wind softly," attested from 1721, earlier "to make a short blast on a horn" (c.1386).
I suppose that there are those who might classify me with you now. Being as though I used such harsh language as poop in my first blog. I saw how you recovered by doing a word study on the despised word under consideration and then justified it by intermingling "christianity." I did a little word study as well, however, I could not find any way in which I could tie in "christianity" to silence the nay sayers. Please realize that the word study proves that this is a harmless word used by children. I did not mean to offend you in anyway.
I wish I could say that I stand with you on the going to bars to play country music and witness to people idea. I just can't find a peace about the Charlie Daniels witnessing method.
Again, Sorry if I offended you by using the word poo or poop and I'm sorry if your feelings were hurt due to people "hating" on Charlie Daniels.
Can't believe you got onto Brother Micah for using the "p" word, when in this very post, you used the "A" word, the "B" word, the "D" word, the "H" word and even opened up with the "C" word. Shame shame!
Bro. Mike stated, "today's Charlie Daniels is a different man." I just thought I would share with you a couple of locations in which the Charlie Daniels Revival would be meeting to carry on one of their "crusades" to reach the lost. These places should prove that he's a different man.
03/14/09 Choctaw, MS
Silver Star Resort and Casino
03/28/09 Las Vegas, NV
Silverton Casino
Maybe we should gather a preachers group and go for a time of great reviving!
Well stated calvarymagnolia,
that's almost as acceptable as a mosh pit at a youth meeting.
But I did not say he was a Christian, Godly, or God-fearing...i simply said different. To what degree you can measure.
How did I " justify it by intermingling christianity"? Did I say I condone going to bars and witnessing to people? Did I even say that I liked Charlie Daniels? Come on Bubba.
You once told me you kept your private life private, not public. You made reference to husbands and wives' private lives, and tied the reference to personal sins which should not be made known.
What a husband and wife do is not a private sin. It is just nobody's business.
The sins that I commit in the recesses of my mind, I do not make public. No benefit could possibly be served. Just me and Jesus.
The sins I commit in my private life, I only make known to those whom I have wronged in doing so.
Public sins...obvious.
But what I am doing right now in the office, I should be willing to do in front of anyone.
Do I look to offend? Never intentionally. Do I go overboard to avoid offense? Not as often as I should.
Do I need your prayers? Desperately!
Men just do not always see "eye to eye" on things. Doesn't that give new insight to the Lord talking about what we see in each others eyes?
First of all I know you do not need a supporter Br. Mike, but I do want to tell you that your character was not flawed in any way in my mind. Guys if we need to find something we do not like that we might have saw or heard about one another we will be post blogs till Jesus comes. Mike I think I just pulled the beam out of my own. Now wait it is still there. Thanks for the fun brothers.
Well my brothers the self righteousness is overwhelming.
I have a good idea guys. Let us weigh in the balances the following.
1. Going to bars and casinos to witness to people about Jesus. (of course we do not do this)
2. Going to the ecuminical get together down the street and wish them god-speed.
On this note someone please explain to me how the MBSF keeps itself from being ecuminically involved.
While you are doing that maybe you can tell me how to justify going to the "church" service at the dragstrip as well as to the Christian Dragracers Banquet. (You know this is where "all Christians" who are working to get to the same place in there own way meet and fellowship under the banner of Christianity.
I dont mean to sound too Missionary Baptist, but then again maybe we all need to sound a little more like Missionary Baptists.
I know that this will bring out the big guns against me, but before you pull the trigger on me take inventory.
I am a Missionary Baptist preacher. I do not fellowship with devils (all false religions). False religions lie about Jesus. While i do, however, pray for them that they might be saved, I do not felloship with them.
God warned Israel of the false Canaanite gods. He said that they would be a snare unto them.
Let us also be warned. The Bible warns the Lord's churches of those who do not preach the doctrine of Christ. I am afraid that the desire to "get along" in the world of "Christianity" is causing a defection from the faith.
Okay boys come and get me.
(1 Corinthians 5:7) Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us:
(8) Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.
(9) I wrote unto you in an epistle not to company with fornicators:
(10) Yet not altogether the fornicators of this world, or with the covetous, or extortioners, or with idolaters; for then must ye needs go out of the world.
(11) But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such a one no not to eat.
Acts 8:30 "...Understandest thou what thou readest?
31 And he said, How can I, except some man should guide me?..."
Well Brother Mike,
(Acts 8:32) He was led as a sheep to the slaughter; and like a lamb dumb before his shearer, so opened he not his mouth:
(33) In his humiliation his judgment was taken away: and who shall declare his generation? for his life is taken from the earth.
He spoke this not of himself, but of the Messiah who had not yet come. All the prophecies about Messiah's first coming were fulfilled in Jesus of Nazareth. I'm sure you've heard about Him. He took the sins of the world upon him on the cross, died and rose again three days later. He is the one who will one day come again and restore Israel, and show Himself in glory as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. If you would like to go to Heaven, surely you realize you don't meet up to the perfect standards and righteousness of the Holy and Most High God. When we recall the ten commandments, we realize all men have fallen short except for that Jesus. None are righteous before God. To go to Heaven, you must simply trust in the sacrifice of Jesus to save you from your sins, believe on him as Savior, thus committing your soul and life to Him. You will be a new person, a child of Jehovah. After accepting Jesus as your Savior, I can immerse you in water so you can show the world you are associated with the one who died and rose again, and that you have died to your old sinful man and rose again a new creature in Christ.
Surely you aren't comparing a country radio station vs a christian station.
I'm sure the christian station isn't playing songs about drinking, cheating, and dancing.
Yes, I was comparing them. Which is worse...physical corruption or spiritual corruption?
Obviously spiritual corruption is worse.
I just can't see comparing the two. One is of worldly music and the other is sending a spiritual message.
I understand that you were referring to the "rock and roll worship service" but there is nothing wrong in the messages in the songs that are played.
I'd much rather listen to a station playing songs about Jesus than the alternative. When it's not Sunday and I am driving back and forth to work each day, listening to these songs help me through the week. I'm not going to get anything out of "play that funky music white boy" other than feeling the need to get out of my car and dance!
These groups are singing for the Lord and I am thankful that there are stations that will play the songs. There is enough of the world's influence on me while I'm at work, I don't want it in my car, too.
I actually disagreed with you on something!
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