Monday, January 11, 2010


Does my dad, Ray Wilkes, need to adopt me? Do those who have been born again by the Spirit of God need to be adopted by Him?


JamesCharles said...

I always supposed being born again is the process why which a child of Satan, or a child of the world, is adopted by God. In the physical world, we cannot be born twice, so adults sign a piece of paper as the method of adoption. Perhaps instead of signing a piece of paper for adopting us, Jesus signed his end of the bargain by blood, and we are adopted/birthed into the family of God through faith. I could be wrong on this, but this is the way I've always viewed it simply b/c of lack of evidence.

Romans 8, however, does teach about some sort of adoption being the redemption of the flesh/body. So perhaps the adoption could be viewed as the time when God redeems this flesh.

JamesCharles said...

Sorry, I just realized I never answered the questions.

Your dad, Ray Wilkes, does not need to adopt you.

I do not know if those who have been born again by the Spirit of God need to be adopted by Him.

Julie Halliday said...

My answer is "no"

L.L.L. said...

Hello My Brother,

No your father, Ray Wilkes, does not have to adopt you: he begat you from the beginning.

Whe a person is "born again" is he begat or is his spirit regenerated?

Yes all things become new and we become a new creature, but does this take place through the process of regeneration, a spiritual "rebirth"?

Your Brother--JF Grappe

Brother Joseph said...
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Brother Joseph said...

Galatians 4:4,5 "But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons."
1. Adoption (huithesia) means to place as a son. It is a beautiful picture of what God does for everyone who calls out to the name of Christ.
2. Look at the Roman law "patria-potestas" which means the Fathers power. You see this law gave to the father total control and authority of the son as long and the father lived.
a. The were immediately adopted.
Permanently adopted.
and completely.
3. When we are born again by
grace through faith we are....
a. immediately adopeted
"placed as a son of God
b. Permanently a God of God.
No part time bases with MY
c. Completely- Not half way
done. "joined heirs with
Praise be to God I have received the "adoption of sons."

Brother Joseph said...

should be permanenly a son of God and not God of God.

Mike Wilkes said...

But if I am born again by the Spirit of God, I have all rights of a son because of birth. What the need for adoption?

Julie Halliday said...

clearly our spirit is saved, but not our flesh, the adoption takes place during the rapture...that's why only our spirit is taken when we die...our flesh remains here until the rapture...then our bodies become glorified (taken out of the world) to join with the other "family members"...
that's what i think...i could be wrong..but i don't think so

JamesCharles said...

Brother Mike, did you consider my first comment? That adoption is of the body?

Also another possible explanation, that being spiritual "born" is the means of adoption? Rather, being saved is HOW we are adopted?
