I am in the process of reading the Quran. I read heretical doctrine for the sole purpose of knowing for fact what they teach. This allows me to teach my people why we are not ecumenical. I have thoroughly studied the Catholics, Methodists, Pentecosts, and Assemblies of God. These four mainstream religions do not adhere to the biblical plan of salvation. Therefore the before mentioned label of “heretical” is certainly applicable.
Although these mainstream religions are heretical, they, in print, all teach kindness to other people. This is where Islam separates itself. I have never read anything so full of hatred. In the Quran, Muslims are commanded to kill Jews and Christians. This mandate is not a one-time mentioned doctrine delicately hidden away between lines, but rather it is plainly proclaimed hundreds of times.
The term “radical Muslims” is what has my belly begging my mouth for another round of Rolaids. These people who are killing others in the name of Allah are not “radical”. They are following the prescribed behavior laid out for them in their instruction manual…the Quran. Today’s media outlets would have us believe that most Muslims are decent peace-loving people and that these killers are extremists who have perverted their peaceful religion. The truth is that a Quran believing Muslim should kill every one of us when they have the opportunity.
Do I believe that some people identify with Islam (because of cultural heritage) and remain decent people…yes. Just as some people claim to be Baptist yet have no idea what Baptists believe. But anyone who claims to believe the Quran and practice Islam should be expelled from our country. In a civilized society, a person who believes in killing another simply because of a different theological view, should not be allowed refuge.
I am amazed that this country, that I love, has sunk to the point where she is at today. Jews, Christians and heterosexual white people are sitting ducks in the pond of the Political Correctness Police Department’s pond…and its duck season. The accusations are not tempered and almost every social woe is attributed to one of these groups. But if anyone dares to say anything against the ills of a minority or against the beloved Muslims then problems are sure to come.
I, for one, have a belly full of everything being my fault. I am a white man who believes the Word of God. The Bible teaches that homosexuality is a sin…I believe it. The Bible teaches that any sexual activity outside the bounds of marriage is a sin…I believe it. The Bible teaches that a man should work for a living (or not eat)…I believe it. The Bible teaches that I, as a child of God, should love even my enemy…I believe it, because he needs to be saved. The Bible teaches that I should obey the laws of the land…I believe it.
Since it is against the law for me to holler “fire” in a crowded theater, I won’t do it. It will cause a state of panic in which someone is likely to be injured. Since it is against the law to incite a riot, I won’t to it. I do not think an unruly mob is the answer to every problem. You see, we are a civilized people who do not look to violence as the first answer to every problem.
So if you are a peaceful Muslim who has never read the Quran….Read it! If you do not believe it denounce your religion. If you agree with it, and you feel it to be your duty to kill me, I hope that someday you realize your need for Jesus as Savior. Until then, get out of our country!
12 Days (Day 12)
9 years ago