Why was president Obama so criticized for his association with Rev. Wright? Is it fair to think that just because he was close to and fellowshipped with the Rev., that he embraced the same hateful views?
Maybe they were just good friends. Even though they had some common ties, maybe the foundational rhetoric spouted by the Rev. was despised by the Pres.? Maybe he had a completely different view of the U.S. and race relations. Why is it automatically assumed that just because two parties join hands that they have the same foundational principles? Is it fair to make such an assumption?
12 Days (Day 12)
9 years ago
I've always joined the two because our president chose this particular preacher to preform his wedding. Most, if not all, church attenders choose a preacher they respect to preform their wedding ceremonies.
I wonder how many people actually attend my church that believe just like the preacher preaches?
I (personal opinion) believe that a person's religious belief system dictates their decision making. Our president has proven this already in his partiality towards those of the Muslim religions.
Paul told Timothy, "And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus." Obviously what one learns concerning religious matters during his/her formative years will mold them into the person they will become. I believe this is evident in the case of President Obama.
Had he drank coffee at McDonald's with Rev. Wright then the media might not have made a big deal out of it but this isn't the case. He wasn't simply a friend to the Rev. he was a pupil of his spiritual guidance. There is a difference.
I believe it was fair when considering how much a person's religious beliefs affects their decision making.
Yes it is fair to make an assumption. In politics, any association seems to be fair game.
If memory serves, Pres. Obama did not "sever ties" with his church after the inflammatory Wright remarks were aired, but only after Wright was critical of him and clearly wouldn't back down from his comments.
Maybe Pres. Obama didn't embrace the views of Bill Ayers (terrorist and American hater) but his association with him (and Wright)makes you wonder.
As the Brother Joel D. says, "It is what it is."
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